Blues- COE 96 glass

  • $29.95

OCG is producing all their products in COE 96 only now! It is still made the original way of Spectrum Glass. It's easy to cut and reliably true to their color numbers. A basic glass.

Wissmach has been in production for MANY years and recently started producing COE 96 glass. It's been an awesome addition to the System 96 color palette! Their glass is reliable and well priced. 

Youghiogheny is the newest addition to COE 96 line of glass. It's hand rolled so every sheet is one-of-a-kind! Wonderful to work with.

Don't forget to check the other sections for blue glass!

All glass prices are per square foot. Sold in 1 square "foot-sized" pieces, not necessarily always 12" x 12" square!